- 30 Apr 2021
- 1 Minute to read
- DarkLight
HBC-001: What is blockchain
- Updated on 30 Apr 2021
- 1 Minute to read
- DarkLight
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In video one for the Helsinki Blockchain Center, I talk about what blockchain is for.
People often ask, "what is blockchain", but that is the wrong question, because most of us don't need to know how something works, we just need to know what we can do with it.
Blockchain is about enabling decentralized digital ownership, that is, without having to rely on a central party to manage the ledger recording this ownership.
And ownership is ultimately about control - if you own something, you have control over it in a manner that no one else does, and you have control over whether you maintain the ownership, or transfer it to someone else.
Why would this be important?
If you outsource your ownership to a centralized authority, you have lost some control. Transactions you wish to undertake with your property can be censored by the authority.