Data First, Then AI
  • 01 Mar 2024
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Data First, Then AI

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My background is in document management and records management. The success of these projects relies heavily on good data management. Many companies and government agencies will invest in automation solutions without first getting their data in order. There are solutions that say they can work with structured and unstructured data, capture and index with little human effort, and make it sound easy. However, the solution is only as good as what is put in it. If the organization does not stay consistent with its indexing/metadata, standard naming conventions, and management, its ROI and productivity gains will suffer. And they may not be in much better shape than before they automated.

I feel that this scenario is similar to what is happening with AI. I read a lot of information daily as we curate for my tech-only knowledge base site, A large percentage of articles and posts say something about AI. However, it is clear that AI will not be successful in a business or government agency until they get their data in order.


I have compiled links to recent articles and news that are AI/Data related. I hope you find this insightful and useful.


Cohesity Launches Gaia, an Innovative AI-Powered Enterprise Search Assistant for Data Management

Cohesity, a leader in AI-powered data security and management, has announced Cohesity Gaia, a first-to-market AI-powered enterprise search assistant that brings retrieval augmented generation* (RAG) AI and large language models (LLMs) to high-quality backup data within Cohesity environments

How can enterprises achieve AI governance? Collibra offers new solution

This includes streamlined compliance processes, risk mitigation strategies, and mechanisms to enhance model performance and ROI. By enabling a unified platform for governing both AI and the underlying data, Collibra aims to dispel the concerns surrounding AI adoption.

Microsoft introduces generative AI copilot for finance teams

Copilot for Finance focuses on the work that finance teams are embedded in day to day, the company said, drawing on the essential context of enterprise data and context such as financial sources. That includes traditional Enterprise Resource Planning systems such as Microsoft 365, SAP and the Microsoft Graph.

Couchbase brings new database vectors to AI powered adaptive applications

Couchbase aims to differentiate itself by positioning its support of vectors as part of its overall platform approach which spans from cloud to on-premises data centers, and even on mobile and edge devices. The new vector support follows Couchbase’s introduction of an assistive gen AI feature in 2023 known as Cappella IQ.

sdxCentral — Google Cloud optimizes databases, data analytics for genAI

The hyperscaler shared the general availability of AlloyDB AI, which is designed to simplify the process of building enterprise-grade genAI applications. The AI database platform can run on-premises or in any public cloud environment and is ideal for transactional, analytical and vector workloads.

Quantive unveils AI-driven strategy platform to enhance business decision making

The new service features localized execution within business teams and customized functions that are tasked with primary value-creating activities, regardless of organizational hierarchy. Users can also tap into data and insights available to identify issues that allow them to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and execute those changes effectively.

SiliconANGLE — How synthetic data powers AI innovation — and creates new risks

Synthetic data is information that’s artificially created by computer algorithms instead of gathered from real-world events and is generally used to test and train artificial intelligence models. It’s most often generated based on real-world information and is designed to mimic it as closely as possible. But at the same time, it allows for reducing risks associated with the original data or filling in gaps missing in real-world data.

Ataccama ONE v15 Accelerates Data Quality Transformation for Enterprises

Enhanced AI features in the platform provides an assisted user experience which allows all users to extract information and insights quickly and easily by simply asking for what they need using plain text language rather than code and reviewing AI-augmented suggestions.

Computerworld — As workers embrace AI, employers are slow to issue guidance

One implication, said Slack, is that that employees are less likely to experiment with tools that could boost productivity. Workers at companies that have defined AI guidelines are almost six times more likely to have tried the tools, the survey indicated. Even staff at companies that limit the use of AI are more likely to try out the tools than those who work for companies with no guidelines.


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