The Power and Benefits of Blockchain Technology in Higher Education - Part 1
  • 19 Mar 2022
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The Power and Benefits of Blockchain Technology in Higher Education - Part 1

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Article summary

03/14/2022 - Elizabeth Farrell | Tambellini Author

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Blockchain technology (blockchain) has a growing influence on higher education. An institution that is well on its way to becoming the first blockchain university and knows this better than any other is Maryville University. In this Top of Mind episode, Dr. Feng Hou, chief digital evangelist for Maryville University and visionary leader and advocate for the adoption of blockchain, completely immerses listeners in its possibilities by giving them an inside scoop into his intuitions blockchain journey.

What is blockchain technology?
How is awareness built around blockchain technology, and what is the response?
Is the ROI potential worth the expense?
How can this new technology support institutional goals?

Elizabeth Farrell|
Tambellini Author

Elizabeth Farrell
Elizabeth Farrell is an award-winning communications leader with a proven track record of success in delivering high-impact results for national and global colleges and universities, Fortune 100 companies, dynamic start-ups, and influential nonprofits. She has collaborated closely with higher education institutions over the past two decades in numerous roles including media relations, branding, marketing, business development, and as a journalist for outlets including The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Wall Street Journal, and PBS Newshour.

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