State of California GenAI Guidelines for Public Sector Procurement, Uses and Training
  • 25 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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State of California GenAI Guidelines for Public Sector Procurement, Uses and Training

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Article summary

Executive Summary

following guidelines address procurement, uses, and training related to deploying Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in California state government. These guidelines provide best practices and parameters to safely and effectively use this transformative technology to improve services for all Californians. The language throughout Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-12-23 on Generative Artificial Intelligence (“Executive Order”) emphasizes the need for responsible implementation of GenAI throughout state government. State entities and their respective leadership will ultimately be responsible for evaluating and incorporating GenAI to support each entity’s unique structure and mission. Recognizing this responsibility, the Administration is establishing a framework of required training and state policy guidance to inform, enable and support state leaders in the ethical, transparent and trustworthy use of GenAI. This document builds upon the State of California: Benefits and Risks of Generative Artificial Intelligence Report published in November 2023 and serves as interim guidance as California seeks to publish the final procurement and training policy in 2025, after extensive piloting, research and stakeholder engagement.

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