HyperionNode (HN) vs. Blockchain
  • 01 Dec 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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HyperionNode (HN) vs. Blockchain

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Article Summary

Thank you to Geof Wollerman, Founder & CEO of TrueNode Tech for sharing his blog on our site.


Put simply, HN is not a blockchain solution.

Blockchain was initially developed to achieve a single purpose: the decentralized, immutable record-keeping of ownership and transactions, replacing the need for notaries and contractual middlemen such as banks.

HN was developed as a distributed ledger technology (DLT)-based system for the secure storage and processing of critical enterprise data, delivering more than the current functionalities available with blockchain.

Blockchain technology (proved most notably with Bitcoin) has an inherent need for a consensus protocol (though some DAG-based systems have implemented alternative methods) to prevent users from making simultaneous identical transactions and to prevent corruptions of blockchain’s decentralized immutability—which is key to its purpose.

HN has a different purpose—and a different approach to achieving it.

HN’s purpose is providing the scalable capacity to store, secure, and process massive amounts of data (petabytes and beyond), while making this data highly available, responsive, and queryable—all stored within the same highly secure, horizontal framework.

Using the automatic 5X replication of all data, HN ensures the security, integrity, and availability of data—not its immutability. For example, if the owner of a dataset stored on HN deletes this dataset, all replications of the data will be deleted from all the HN storage devices they were stored on. The data will only be maintained temporarily for recovery purposes (in the case of data deletion errors or incorrect data inputs), but it will not be maintained permanently via immutable records held on multiple devices, as with blockchain.

Before replication, HN splits all data into encrypted micro-partitions, so the computing power the system needs to deliver its optimal results requires far less energy than current on-premises, datacenter, or cloud solutions.

This means HN is also a more environmentally friendly approach to IT, coming much closer to carbon neutral than any existing data storage or data processing solution.

In summary, HN and blockchain are different but compatible subsets of DLT. When developed in tandem by future innovators, the two technologies could be used to create a variety of useful solutions. But they are nonetheless distinctly different technologies, and they each serve a different purpose.

For the immutable record-keeping of ownership and transactions (contracts, certifications, financial transactions, digital artwork, NFTs, etc.), blockchain technology is an impressive solution with a promising future.

For replacing current and legacy IT stacks and for ensuring the completely secure, highly available, scalable storage and processing of enterprise data, HN’s technology is an unparalleled solution in today’s market—and we have a big vision for more solutions in the future.

About TrueNode Tech:

We don’t have a fancy app or a flashy device. We don’t develop software or manufacture hardware. Most importantly, unlike many technology companies, we don’t provide ongoing solutions as a service (OSaaS) that require hourly or monthly charged support services just to ensure they work.

All we do is provide access to and training for a novel IT system—a system that works.

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