10 Reasons Why You Should Adopt Secure and Privacy-Preserving Solutions Now
  • 08 Oct 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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10 Reasons Why You Should Adopt Secure and Privacy-Preserving Solutions Now

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Article summary

Thank you to David Silva with Algemetric for sharing his insight on our site.

The number and severity of security and privacy incidents are staggering. Recent reports show that only in July 2023, there were 87 data breaches affecting over 146 million records. So far, 694 data breaches and over 617 million records have been involved in 2023. According to these reports, healthcare, education, and public services are the most breached sectors. However, a closer look at these issues shows that threats make no discrimination, and all organizations in all industries are potential victims. In most cases, it is just a matter of time.

Most of the security and privacy issues occur due to improper data processing. Not only that, but most cases are caused by in-house data processing. And yet, many organizations and individuals still believe they don’t have anything to worry about since they only work with data internally. This is obviously a myth.

One of the possible reasons for this disconnect is the belief that security and privacy measures are some form of “party stoppers” or “buzz killers” for data enthusiasts. Under this belief, any data protection mechanism will limit how much value one can achieve by working with data. This is another myth.

The fact is that, in general, it is hard to change habits. Some organizations might see change itself as a risk to an operation that runs smoothly for years. Until something catastrophic occurs, no change will be seen as positive or worth pursuing.

The problem is that no one knows when something bad will happen. Even worse is that no one knows the extent of a security and/or incident. What if a data breach, a ransomware attack, and a privacy violation are so severe that there is no path to recovery?

It would be unfair to think that anyone would intentionally (or even maliciously) neglect the safety and privacy of their organization’s and clients’ data. Yet, when talking to those not yet fully onboard with secure and privacy-preserving data solutions, it is common to hear the following questions:

  • Why do I need security and privacy if I only work with data internally in my company?
  • Why do I need privacy-preserving solutions if I get consent to use the data I process?
  • I have never seen the GDPR fine any company in my segment. Why should I care?
  • I don’t think my industry has a big push for compliance right now. Why would I spend money on security and privacy measures?
  • Is security and privacy enough to make people change the tools they use?
  • What if I don’t care if I have a data breach?
  • As a way to respond to these and other related questions, here are ten reasons individuals and organizations should adopt secure and privacy-preserving solutions now. For each reason, a counter-question is presented to those still undecided about the matter.

1 – Reputation Protection

A single data breach can irreparably damage your brand’s reputation, causing a loss of trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders.

Counter-question: Can you afford to risk the potential fallout of a data breach, including loss of customers and a tarnished reputation?

Secure solutions help by reducing the risk of data breaches and leaks, which contributes to preserving your brand’s reputation. In the event of an incident, robust security measures can mitigate damage and facilitate a faster recovery, reducing the long-term impact on your organization’s image.

2 – Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Non-compliance with data protection laws can result in hefty fines, legal actions, and operational disruptions, far outweighing the cost of implementing secure solutions.

Counter-question: Is it wise to gamble with legal penalties when data protection laws are becoming increasingly stringent?

Implementing secure and privacy-preserving solutions is a solid step towards compliance with data protection laws. Such an initiative contributes to avoiding costly fines and provides a structured framework for data management, which helps with reducing legal risks and potential litigation.

3 – Data Monetization Opportunities

Implementing robust security and privacy measures allows you to confidently leverage data for the creation of new products and services and monetization without compromising sensitive information.

Counter-question: What’s the point of collecting data if you can’t confidently utilize it for monetization and growth?

Privacy-preserving solutions allow you to confidently explore data monetization without compromising individual privacy. This opens revenue streams and expands your data’s utility, directly benefiting your organization’s financial health.

4 – Competitive Advantage

Ensuring customers’ data safety gives you a competitive edge in a market with rising privacy concerns.

Counter-question: Are you comfortable lagging behind competitors actively investing in data security and privacy to gain trust?

Demonstrating a commitment to data security and privacy sets you apart from competitors. It instills trust among customers and partners, leading to increased loyalty, stronger relationships, and a more favorable market position.

5 – Customer Trust and Loyalty

You foster loyalty and encourage long-term relationships by respecting customer privacy and protecting their data.

Counter-question: How much do you value your customers’ trust, and what are you willing to do to maintain it?

Secure solutions show your dedication to protecting customer data. This fosters trust, leading to higher customer retention rates, increased referrals, and improved customer satisfaction, all of which are essential for business growth.

6 – Minimized Financial Loss

Data breaches are costly, with expenses including breach notification, legal actions, and potential loss of business due to reputational damage.

Counter-question: Is it financially responsible to ignore the potential costs of a data breach, from notifications to lawsuits?

Robust security measures significantly reduce the financial impact of a data breach. This saves money and ensures business continuity, preventing revenue loss due to operational disruptions.

7 – Innovation with Reduced Risk

Privacy-preserving solutions enable you to experiment and innovate with data while maintaining a strong risk mitigation strategy.

Counter-question: Can your organization truly afford to innovate without measures to significantly reduce risks?

Privacy-preserving technologies are a great ally for enabling secure innovation, allowing you to experiment with data-driven initiatives without compromising security or compliance. This positions your organization as an industry leader in innovation.

8 – Third-Party Assurance

Clients and partners increasingly demand secure data handling, and having robust solutions in place can open doors to lucrative collaborations.

Counter-question: How important is your business to secure partnerships and collaborations with organizations prioritizing data security?

Third-party verification of your data security practices instills confidence in potential partners, making it easier to secure collaborations and alliances to increase revenue and market expansion.

9 – Futureproofing

As data privacy regulations evolve, adopting secure solutions helps ensure your organization remains compliant and avoids costly retroactive adjustments.

Counter-question: What’s your strategy to adapt to evolving data privacy regulations and avoid costly retroactive compliance efforts?

Secure solutions establish a resilient data infrastructure that can adapt to evolving regulations. This flexibility facilitates your organization against compliance challenges, reducing the risk of costly retroactive adjustments.

10 – Ethical Responsibility

Respecting individuals’ right to privacy and safeguarding their data aligns with ethical values, enhancing your organization’s social responsibility and public perception.

Counter-question: Is it acceptable to disregard the ethical obligation of protecting individuals’ privacy and data rights?

Embracing secure and privacy-preserving solutions reflects your organization’s ethical values. This commitment meets societal expectations and attracts like-minded employees and customers who value ethical business practices.


Change is typically challenging for individuals and organizations; however, it is much better to change in preparation for a better future than to change due to a catastrophic event. The statistics related to security and privacy incidents show an ever-growing number of security breaches and privacy violations due to a lack of proper safeguards when acquiring, storing, sharing, and processing data. For those yet to take this critical step, it’s time to embrace change and prepare for a safer and more private digital world.

Algemetric is fully committed to helping individuals and organizations extract the most value from data securely and privately. Contact us today if you want to learn more.

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