White Paper on Interoperable Learning Records
  • 01 Oct 2020
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White Paper on Interoperable Learning Records

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Article Summary

Members of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board’s Data Transparency working group au-thored this white paper, with major contributions by subject matter experts from their organizations as well as outside experts . The American Workforce Policy Advisory Board’s Data Transparency working group reviewed the white paper and submitted to the full Board. Institutional affiliations listed below are for identification purposes only and does not necessarily indicate endorsement by any organization.

Several of the organizations that contributed to this white paper have already developed and imple-mented components of interoperable learning records, albeit not on the scale envisioned in this paper .This paper does not describe these organizations’ individual efforts. Instead, it lays out definitions, principles, and recommendations to catalyze further cooperation across organizations like theirs and others and ultimately lead to expanded pilots and adoption of interoperable learning records across sectors and the country . Implementing this paper’s recommendations will require engaging a much broader set of stakeholders to ensure future policy and pilots related to interoperable learning records are informed by the full, constantly advancing range of existing innovations and approaches

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