The Teckedin Journey
  • 18 Apr 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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The Teckedin Journey

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Article summary started as a custom two-sided platform. Its focus was on technology hardware and software vendors on one side and end users on the other.

I wanted to build a site where end users could access good content like white papers and reports without giving up their personal information. End users would log in to see the great content, and vendors could share it and have links to their sites.


This concept proved a mistake as the vendor community was reluctant to share their valuable content without personal information in return. And users had to create an account (another username and password to remember) to access the content.


I shifted gears and started over from scratch. 

Teckedin has been built as a public knowledge base using the Document360 platform.


On our tech-only knowledge base site,, we don't use automation tools to populate our content. Instead, we invest significant time and effort in hand-curation, carefully reviewing and selecting every link we share.

Some have said, “That’s a lot of work,” and it feels like what they really wanted to say was, “How foolish.”

Others are taken aback and gain a new respect for what we are doing. When they start clicking on some of the links and curations we have, their eyes open up, and they see the value.

Others have asked why we don’t send a newsletter or something similar.

We don’t want to collect anyone’s data, and who needs another newsletter in their email box?


There are two main reasons why we work the way we do:

1) I don’t trust content coming in automatically onto our site. We don’t want politics, celebrities, or hateful comments. The minute I give up that scrutiny and let content come in automatically, I might as well trash the whole site.

2) You can’t learn or grow unless you read and absorb the information you have been given. We offer content curated from multiple sources so that our readers have a broad perspective and hear different opinions and insights. We also want to learn. If we didn't touch everything we share, we would be missing out on our own learning and growth.


Here is what we offer.

  • We curate and categorize business technology information from numerous sites every day. We make sure that the content we put on our platform has a share button and a direct link back to the content. No company is paying us to put their news or articles on our site. We curate what is interesting and applicable to private and public entities.

  • We categorize all content so that you can get to a category of interest quickly.

  • We have no login or sign-up. When a visitor clicks on a link or an article to read, there are no requirements to provide personal information. They get the content. No questions asked.

  • We reach out to many technology experts we see posting on LinkedIn, Medium and other places. We are glad to put others' content on our site, enabling them to reach a larger audience.

  • Our site is structured as a self-service knowledge base. Visit us on your timeline and terms.

  • Our goal is to share content that will enlighten our readers, give them new perspectives, and keep them current in the ever-changing world of business technology.

How do we support our knowledge base?

Teckedin is self-funded. We have spent the last three years building our knowledge base and creating the value to justify asking for sponsors. 


We now have sponsorships for many of our curations. If you want to increase visibility for your product or service and see the value of providing information without asking for personal information, here are some details on our viewership and sponsor opportunities.

Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you make it a regular habit. And if you want to contribute your expertise and content, let us know.

We always welcome feedback or suggestions on how we can make our knowledge base more valuable and useful to you.

Debby Kruzic, Founder

Contact us at


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